Промашена инвестиција и во Холандија? надвозник на автопат за ВЕРВЕРИЧКИ!?!?!
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Рака на срце, веста за денешни спиди-инстант, скоро фејк њуз непотребни арчења сива маса е стара, од 2016, но е сеуште актуелна. Имено, во напливот на добродетелство, холандезите од грижа за мамицата природа, решиле да направат мост преку автопат за верверици. Спичкале, упс, изарчиле, упс, потрошиле 120 тисуча фунти или кажано во наши пари (чуј!) 134.334 евра. 

Ај и некако, си викаш, ок, им се може па кутрите верверички да не гинат под тркала. Нејсе. Во првите две години ниедна верверичка не го преминала мостот? Потоа 3, па 4 и толку ... од кај знаат? 

Мајчините холандези знаат да се улетаат праволиниски во спичкување пари под закрила на заштита на природата, но си поставуваат и инструменти за контрола. Опозицијата, не е црепобрана печурка, туку и таму има алуџе сос акл. Мостот направен 2012, пазете. Поставиле камери и броеле. . броеле и броеле, 7 верверички за 4 години. 

Кметот кој го постави мостот сеуште убедува васиона дека инвестицијата не е промашена, ама јас сум овде да јадам бурек, а сите вие душозагрижени инвајорменталисти кои немилосрдно лајкате, хејтате и ретвитеришете по цел ден за спас на природата, притоа не мрдајќи од пригмечениот сунѓер на "офис черот" кој се улепил и покрај мемо матерјалот ниако не се враќа во стара форма, само копипастирајте, лајкајте - само напреј, гремо фантја!

Но, сивупле, еве ви комплетно сите информации на јенгликански за ова неимарско дело на прогресивното општесто. 


Mayor insists £120,000 bridge built for SQUIRRELS to cross a busy road in Holland was not a waste of money… despite only five of the animals using it in four years

  • The £120,000 squirrel bridge was build near The Hague in 2012
  • Since then, only five squirrels have used it to cross the highway 
  • This works out at £23,400 per squirrel, but mayor says it's not a waste



The mayor of The Hague has refuted claims that a £120,000 'squirrel bridge' built to help the animals cross a motorway near the Dutch city - despite it only being used five times in four years.

The flyover bridge was built in 2012, to give squirrels a safe passage from one forestry area to another in the western Netherlands.

However, in the past four years, only five squirrels have used the bridge to cross the road - working out at a neat £23,400 per squirrel.

Expensive travel: The £120,000 bridge was built in 2012, to give squirrels a safe passage over a highway near the Hague, however, in the past four years, only five have used it

Expensive travel: The £120,000 bridge was built in 2012, to give squirrels a safe passage over a highway near the Hague, however, in the past four years, only five have used it

During a local council meeting in The Hague, the mayor's office was forced to answer to questions from councillors as to whether the bridge had been a waste of money. 


The bridge, built at tree level, cost 150,000 euros to build four years ago, and the local authorities has been monitoring it using security cameras.

In the first two years of the bridge, not a single squirrel walked over it, councillors were told.

'In 2014 three squirrels, and in 2015 two squirrels, were spotted on the bridge,' the mayor's office said according to The Times. 

'This is evidenced by monitoring using CCTV cameras on the bridge.' 

Not popular: In the first two years of the bridge's existence, not a single squirrel walked over it, followed by three in 2014 and two last year

Not popular: In the first two years of the bridge's existence, not a single squirrel walked over it, followed by three in 2014 and two last year

As only five animals have used the bridge in four years, the cost-per-squirrel works out at £23,400

As only five animals have used the bridge in four years, the cost-per-squirrel works out at £23,400

However, The Hague's mayor's office argued that it had not been a waste of money, as the cash had not come out of the city's finances. 


Instead, the money had come from national environmental funding, believed to still be tax funded.

The mayor of The Hague reportedly refused to discuss the issue further, according to The Times.

'Private taxis for the squirrels would have been cheaper,' The Hague councillor Arjen Dubbelaar told local radio.


'As taxpayers we should be able to assume that the government is economical with our money.

'Apparently nothing could be further from the truth with this very expensive squirrel bridge.' 




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